11.02.2021, 10:00am
Unternehmen in Hessen finden hier einen Überblick über aktuelle Fördermöglichkeiten, Unterstützungsangebote und Hilfsmaßnahmen rund um Corona – sowohl seitens der Hessischen Landesregierung als auch darüber hinaus. Mehr...
09.02.2021, 3:30pm
Netzwerkkonferenz zu Ressourceneffizienz und Produktionsintegrierter Umweltschutz. Mehr erfahren!
08.02.2021, 11:10am
Nachhaltige Werkstoffe helfen, die Ziele des europäischen Green Deal zu erfüllen – Mehrteilige Veranstaltungsreihe am 21. Januar gestartet. Mehr erfahren!
30.01.2021, 4:00pm
Most Successful Exit in the History of High-Tech Gründerfonds – Gilead Sciences to Acquire MYR GmbH
MYR is the first private German biotech company to successfully take a drug from preclinical development to market. US pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences is set to acquire MYR for roughly EUR 1.15 billion.
28.01.2021, 3:30pm
Strategic partnership: The European Center for Dispersion Technologies (EZD) and ORONTEC
The European Center for Dispersion Technologies (EZD) and ORONTEC announce a strategic partnership and will cooperate in the field “Online Characterization of Inks and Paints for the Optimization of Dispersion and Production processes” in the...
05.01.2021, 1:00pm
« TWB® START-UP DAY, 2 & 3 February 2021 »
“The 4th edition of TWB® START-UP DAY, 2 & 3 February 2021, 100% digital, will focus on “Industrial Biotechnology: What are we up to?” through 2 topics “Biotech & Circularity” and “Data & AI”. This event, organised by TWB, is dedicated to the...
08.12.2020, 12:00pm
ECP Press Release
"The world cannot afford to hibernate." Memorandum aims to strengthen cooperation between Chinese and European chemical companies Four organizations from Europe and China sign a cooperation memorandum to promote networking and...
25.11.2020, 10:10am
Rianlon anti-aging solutions: New plant in Zhuhai
Rianlon provides anti-aging solutions to the global polymer, lubricants and coating industries. Our product lines include antioxidants, light stabilizers and U-pack packaged solution. Rianlon continues the construction of the...
27.10.2020, 10:00am
Wiley Analytical Science Virtual Conference 2020
Beginning on November 24, the Wiley Analytical Science Conference 2020 will highlight the advances in the fields of microscopy, spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, separation science, lab automation and equipment. Register now for the Wiley...
20.10.2020, 12:00pm
What is new in the chemistry startup scene?
For the Chemspec Europe 2020 Digital Event, we organized a start-up Pitch deck with 5 exclusive pitches from the ECP start-up community. Dr. Holger Bengs and Senior Consultant Tobias Kirchhoff will host the event on Wed, 11 November...
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- Participants342
- Meetings Requested2449
- Meetings Accepted1242
Austria 5
Belgium 15
Brazil 1
Chile 1
China 5
Denmark 3
England 1
Finland 3
France 11
Germany 252
India 1
Israel 2
Italy 3
Kenya 1
Latvia 3
Luxembourg 1
Netherlands 29
Norway 2
Oman 2
Poland 2
Portugal 4
Singapore 4
Slovenia 1
South Korea 2
Spain 5
Sweden 2
Switzerland 7
United Kingdom 5
Venezuela 1
- Total of Participants381