1. What is ECP all about?
The ECP has been a Business Industry Speed Dating since 2017. The focus is on 20-minute partnering discussions that can be arranged in advance. The goal is to bring people from very different disciplines together in order to come to innovations faster.
2. What does the abbreviation ECP stand for?
ECP stands for European Chemistry Partnering.
3. What is a Business Industry Speed Dating?
At the center of a partnering event such as the ECP as Business Industry Speed Dating are short conversations with potential interested parties: customers, cooperation partners, investors, experts, etc.
Partnering discussions of 20 minutes can be arranged at the ECP.
For this purpose, a partnering tool will be activated approximately one month before the ECP. Here each participant can address other people with their offers or inquiries. If the person requested agrees to a conversation, the system assigns an appointment based on the personal timetable.
4. How does the partnering tool work?
In the partnering tool you will find all participants in the ECP. Here, each participant creates their profile on their own responsibility and announces their interests: offers or requests.
Here there is the possibility to search according to different criteria: A-Z, new participants, keywords or individually in a free search.
Each ECP participant can put together the people they want to talk to and send individual invitations to them.
If the person requested confirms the invitation, the partnering tool will make an appointment. Shortly before the appointment, the system then provides a secure virtual conversation room.
Important! Note that not every participant is available at all times.
Before you make your first request, we also recommend that you mark your personal breaks where you are not available for personal reasons.
5. How do I best fill out my profile?
Either onsite or virtual, your profile is your business card for all ECP participants.
For your maximum success with the ECP, please use our ECP checklist "Setting up a partnering profile"
6. Do only chemists meet at the ECP?
No. The ECP is characterized by the fact that the participants get creative impulses for new products and services outside of everyday business and the usual structures.
At ECP, you meet people other than at your traditional short-term trade shows and congresses that focus on long-term business opportunities.
The ECP is a business industry speed dating that serves the rapid exchange of information in foreign areas and brings together creative minds who want to advance our world.
7. Why “chemistry”?
According to studies, 97 percent of all products contain at least one chemical process step.
On the one hand, this means that the chemical industry plays a central role. On the other hand, it means that everyone should speak to the chemical industry to constantly improve the use of materials and energy.
The bioeconomy and digitization are therefore also addressed; but that is not limiting. Innovators from all industries are welcome to enrich the growing community and use the ECP platform for themselves.
8. What is the process of an ECP?
The 20-minute partnering talks are at the heart of the ECP. All registered participants will receive an email about four weeks before the date of the respective ECP with the invitation to now arrange discussions with other ECP participants.
We recommend that you create your profile with your company name, logo, your name and photo, as well as your offers and contact requests as soon as you register. Many of the ECP participants probe the profiles of the participants in advance.
9. What other attractions does an ECP offer?
Each ECP starts with a keynote speech. It should give the impetus for communication during the ECP, around the topics of innovations, company formation, cooperation, company development, patents, dos and don'ts, etc. There are also expert panels, workshops, short lectures – so called pitches – and an exhibition as well as informal get-togethers.
10. Are there any discounts?
Yes, of course. The sooner you register, the less you pay, as this gives us, as the organizer, planning security.
If you come from your company in a group, we offer preferential rates that depend on the size of your delegation.
In principle, younger companies pay less than established and internationally active companies. We refer to the current conditions.
11. Why do larger companies pay more than startups?
As the organizer, we pursue the philosophy that it should be easier for startups or young medium-sized companies to take part in the ECP, even with several people. The tickets are therefore sponsored by partners.
Young companies are the proverbial salt in the soup. Many participants in the ECP agree to this pricing philosophy.
12. Who do I contact if I have further questions?
Please write us an email to: partnering@european-chemistry-partnering.com
Please write your request in the subject. The responsible colleague of the organizer will contact you immediately.
13. What should I generally consider when attending an ECP?
You get the most benefit from an ECP if you prepare the Business Industry Speed Dating adequately.
Please fill out your profile early. Communicate clearly what you offer and what you are looking for. Check the profiles of the others. The talk times are limited. There are also individual breaks in partnering, for which everyone is individually responsible, e.g. for taking meals, attending parallel events such as workshops with industry-related topics, or rest and relaxation breaks.
If you start partnering early after providing the partnering tool, you have a better chance of being able to speak to the person you want to talk to.
14. What is the difference between a virtual ECP and a real ECP?
The differences between real ECP and virtual ECP are obvious.
In view of the corona crisis, the virtual ECP optimally complements the traditional presence partnerings. Innovations do not put up with delay. We are all in a learning phase. Of course, it is unusual to meet unknown people the first time on a computer on the Internet.
All ECP participants can be assured that the organizer "Orange Tie" will best transfer the friendly and mutually appreciative atmosphere of the ECP into the digital world.
15. When are there breaks at the ECP?
Each ECP participant is responsible for their own schedule.
We recommend taking breaks, as many partnering discussions in a row can be very exhausting, or breaks are necessary for taking notes.
The partnering is usually interrupted by the organizer during the time of the keynote and the panel.
This should also serve to ensure that in addition to the informal get-together, all ECP participants are given the opportunity to take one or two topics together. This procedure also supports the building of a mutually appreciative, innovative community.
16. What is the ECP language?
The program will be held in English.
All sponsors and partners who are responsible for thematic workshops are required to offer their contribution in English. The same applies to the speakers of the pitches. Of course, this also applies to the profiles of the ECP participants.
Only in English does every participant achieve the maximum possible visibility at the ECP.
17. How can a company present itself?
An ECP offers many opportunities to present yourself: the personal profile in the partnering tool, in a short company pitch, in the exhibition or as a media partner, partner or sponsor of the ECP.
18. What exactly is a company pitch?
A company pitch is the opportunity for a company or organization to create a video that visitors registered for the ECP can watch at any time during the ECP and the days before, parallel to the virtual ECP exhibition.
The presentations are designed for 15 minutes for large companies and 6 minutes for startups (<5 years), small and medium-sized companies (<10 years). The participants mentioned these periods as useful in order to get a first impression and to be able to come into contact with the companies.
Other organizations can purchase 10 minute slots if desired. The pitches are again graduated in price.
19. What do I have to consider in a company pitch?
For your maximum success with the ECP, please use our ECP checklist "Setting up a company pitch"
20. How does the virtual exhibition work?
The virtual ECP fair starts before the ECP lasts one week and ends on the last day of the ECP. Visitors can access the exhibition stands and webinars via an entrance hall with an overview of the exhibiting companies and other important information.
The philosophy of the ECP is the interdisciplinary exchange and the random stumbling into each other; every visitor meets creative people whom he does not meet in everyday life. For this reason, there are no thematic clusters at the ECP exhibition. In addition, the exhibitor can run a live chat or be contacted by the exhibitors at the respective stand.
21. Who can visit the ECP exhibition?
The great advantage for exhibitors is that not only ECP participants can visit the virtual ECP exhibition, but everyone.
The ECP exhibition opens its doors to all interested people who meet a colorful variety of exhibitors and get to know the ECP as a Business Industry Speed Dating.
Important: All exhibitors receive the contact details of those who click or download information at their booth.
22. How can I imagine a virtual exhibition stand?
ECP participants can book a virtual booth. This is created graphically in the design of the exhibitor based on templates. In addition to the corporate design, brochures, catalogs, presentations and videos can be presented and webinars can be held. Pulsating click points indicate to visitors where further information is hidden.
There are three stand variants: these differ in the number and type of presentation options.
23. What do I have to consider as an exhibitor at a virtual exhibition stand?
For your maximum success with the ECP, please use our ECP checklist "Setting up a virtual exhibition stand"
24. What sponsorship opportunities are there?
There are many opportunities for sponsors to present themselves. The offers are priced in different categories.
The sponsor's name and logo are presented in a very visible manner, including on the homepage and other websites, in the virtual partnering rooms of the ECP and the ECP exhibition. There are opportunities to present yourself in text form directly on the ECP homepage, as well as to link with hyperlinks to your own website and videos.
The participants in the partnering system are also informed via the mail system about the sponsors individually and as a whole, both shortly before the ECP, if the registration status of the participants is already very high, and after the ECP, if the organizer sends further information and tips for the follow-up to the ECP.
Sponsors are given the opportunity to get involved in lectures and panel discussions.
In addition, joint press releases with the organizer will be considered.
Finally, we would like to draw your attention to the very high reach of the ECP in social media: sponsor information is also distributed on Xing, LinkedIn and Twitter.
25. How can I become a sponsor of the ECP?
Please contact us directly: partnering@european-chemistry-partnering.com
We will send you the package and price scale directly.
At the same time, we would like to point out that the packages defined by the organizer provide a framework. In the end, the individual benefit for the sponsor counts and the content will be tailored to the respective purpose of the sponsor. Your ideas are expressly welcome.
26. How can I become an ECP media partner?
A media partnership is offered to publishers, newspapers and magazines that advertise the ECP via print or digital products and report on the ECP under their own responsibility.
Please contact us directly: partnering@european-chemistry-partnering.com
We would be happy to arrange a mutual cooperation with you.
27. How can I become a partner of the ECP?
Cluster organizations, associations and other multipliers can become partners of the ECP.
Please contact us directly: partnering@european-chemistry-partnering.com
We would be happy to arrange a mutual cooperation with you.
28. How do I get in touch with participants?
ECP participants come into contact with each other via the partnering tool, the virtual ECP exhibition and informal networking.
Our recommendation:
- Fill out your profile early in the partner system.
- The partnering tool is only started about four weeks before the ECP.
- However, we know that many ECP participants filter out their interlocutors in advance and use the telephone number and email address available under contact details to connect before the ECP.
29. Are there opportunities for informal networking?
The virtual ECP also offers the opportunity to meet informally.
Even if we are not yet familiar with these virtual encounters with others, initial experience shows that this virtual world also enables very fruitful contacts and exchanges.
Platin Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Media Partners
Bilateral Talks
- Participants342
- Meetings Requested2449
- Meetings Accepted1242
Austria 5
Belgium 15
Brazil 1
Chile 1
China 5
Denmark 3
England 1
Finland 3
France 11
Germany 252
India 1
Israel 2
Italy 3
Kenya 1
Latvia 3
Luxembourg 1
Netherlands 29
Norway 2
Oman 2
Poland 2
Portugal 4
Singapore 4
Slovenia 1
South Korea 2
Spain 5
Sweden 2
Switzerland 7
United Kingdom 5
Venezuela 1
- Total of Participants381